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Manan Gupta
Manan Gupta
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AI on Google Sheets

Would AI on Google Sheets make sense? What are some usecases you can think of?
Manan Gupta
Manan Gupta
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What makes Google Sheets still relevant in 2024?

I feel even after all the fancy tools in the world, all data leads to spreadsheets. Curious to understand why is that the case? My hypothesis is 1. It’s the most fundamental way in which you interact with data. 2. It’s the cellular interface that just works. 3. It’s highly customisable. What are your opinions?
Manan Gupta
Manan Gupta
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Make sense
Manan Gupta
How do you personalise bulk reach-outs for PH launch?
Manan Gupta
Manan Gupta
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How do you personalise bulk reach-outs for PH launch?

Just curious with so many users to reach out to before the Launch Day, how do I quickly personalise my engagement with the list of users. I'm spending too much time on it
Manan Gupta
Manan Gupta
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Transparency, Trust and Ownership
What's your approach to building a strong company culture?
Vlad Goncharov
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Manan Gupta
Manan Gupta
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Looks interesting would love to give it a shot!!
AI copilot for Instagram
Manan Gupta
Manan Gupta
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Sadly Whatsapp, but because they're on my priority notifications.
What's the first app you open after you wake up every day?
Manan Gupta
Manan Gupta
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Peerlist is interesting
Max Garside
Platforms other than PH to find early adopters?