Lydia Hoopingarner

Lydia Hoopingarner

UI/UX designer, Co-Founder, hobbyist
37 points


Hello all! I am Lydia, originally from Evanston, Illinois, and I now live in Miami, Florida. I love baking bread, making kombucha, biking, long walks, and watching reality TV. But most of all I love building products that help people! In my professional career I have worked in advertising and product development in various industries. I have worked with companies like Adobe, Discover Bank, major wine/liquor/beer brands, Quaker Oats, automotive companies, and two universities. Now I am one of the co-founders of Freeflow, a product that enables efficient and organized job boards on Discord!


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • Freeflow
    Hire top developers on Discord.
    Mar 2023
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntApril 26th, 2022