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Luke Stevenson
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Site appears to be offline. Seeing a Firebase Error Message

Retorch AI
A GPT-4 powered data science team for everyone

Luke Stevenson
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It's an interesting idea, but in application it is not really usable.
Some prompts will get a working result one time, and an error message a second later. An example "current unix timestamp" will sometimes get me the current UNIX timestamp, and about half the time "Sorry, as an AI language model, I cannot generate current unix timestamp since it is dependent on the current time and date in...

Streamline your time and boost productivity with TimeGPT

Luke Stevenson
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You’re competing against Apps on smartphones here. And with the growing number of Websites and Apps supporting 2FA, creating a hardware device which supports a maximum of 10 accounts is going to severely limit your audience.
I use 2FA. I have something like 40 accounts managed through an App, which also syncs and does backups to the cloud.
Plus your device requires manual entry of the seed,...
Token2 Molto-1 TOTP Token
an NFC programmable multi-profile hardware token.

Luke Stevenson
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It's an interesting idea, but the icon is a bit invasive - it would make more sense for it to be activated through the Extension icon in the menu bar. You could also have a marker show on the icon when there are comments/messages to be viewed.

Socially Browse Chrome Extension
Comment and rate any website without leaving the page

Luke Stevenson
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?makers Just bought this. The syncing across devices is an essential feature, especially as you are selling a cross-platform solution. (Great that I can install it on Mac, PC and Ubuntu, but if each install is silo'd then that is pointless.)
Also worth noting - TrendMicro reported your installer as being dangerous, possibly containing ransomware. Kind of sketchy, as I am sure you have built it...
A beautiful cross-platform code snippet manager