Lyubomyr (Lou) Reverchuk

Lyubomyr (Lou) Reverchuk

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Lyubomyr (Lou) Reverchuk
Lyubomyr (Lou) Reverchuk
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🀯 The Battle of Weird Questions: Candidate vs Interviewer

Hey PH community. πŸš€ Have you ever been part of a job interview where both the candidate and the interviewer compete to ask the most unconventional questions? Check this out. π—₯π—Όπ˜‚π—»π—± 1️⃣ π‘°π’π’•π’†π’“π’—π’Šπ’†π’˜π’†π’“: 𝑰𝒇 π’šπ’π’– 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆 π’‚π’π’š π’‚π’π’Šπ’Žπ’‚π’, π’˜π’‰π’‚π’• π’˜π’π’–π’π’… π’šπ’π’– 𝒃𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 π’˜π’‰π’š? This question may seem strange, but it could be a creative way to assess a candidate's personality traits and how they see...
Lyubomyr (Lou) Reverchuk
Lyubomyr (Lou) Reverchuk
started a discussion Featured Sponsorship: A Bad Investment or a Smart Choice?

Is anyone using Clutch to promote your B2B product/service? Please, vote or drop a comment. Just decided to share with PH community how we were experimenting with their Featured Listings in February 2023. πŸ“Š πŸ“– Read more at
Lyubomyr (Lou) Reverchuk
Explain your startup in 5 emojis. Ready,set,go!
Sandra Djajic
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Lyubomyr (Lou) Reverchuk
Lyubomyr (Lou) Reverchuk
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πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ 8 mistakes I made as a CEO: Lessons learned the hard way

Over the last decade, I've made dozens of mistakes running my IT outstaffing business. So, I decided to share the most painful and memorable points with the PH community: #1 Micromanagement #2 Allowing reverse delegation or monkey business #3 Lack of written policies and rules #4 Not providing employees with feedback #5 Not investing in employee development and training #6 Hiring fast, firing...
Lyubomyr (Lou) Reverchuk
@mindaugas_m1 great job! You are progressing very fast.
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