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  • Lonnie McRorey

    Lonnie McRorey

    CEO and Co-Founder of TeamStation AI
    7 points


    Lonnie McRorey is a co-founder and CEO of two companies, Framework Science and TeamStation AI. As the Chief Product Officer of TeamStation AI, Lonnie works to develop and implement cognitive AI technology to improve the company's products and services. Framework Science, on the other hand, is a software development company that focuses on nearshore services, and Lonnie acts as the Chief Executive Officer. He is passionate about remote dev teams management platforms and has written articles about Zero-to-Production: The Rise of Remote Dev Teams. Lonnie has experience in agile transformation consulting and is an expert in nearshore software development. His leadership and expertise have made Framework Science one of Mexico's top nearshore software development companies.


    Product at TeamStation AI


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    Gone streaking
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    Gone streaking 5

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