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  • Logan Havern

    Logan Havern

    Founder Datalogz
    12 points
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    Logan Havern
    Logan Havern
    left a comment
    Very cool! Can't wait to test it out.
    Codespaces but open-source, client-only, and unopinionated
    Logan Havern
    Datalogz Power BI Connector is a lightweight data governance platform that enables self-service analytics while monitoring risks & compliance issues. End-to-end BI governance in a digestible way for analysts, business users, and technical teams.
    Datalogz Power BI Connector
    Datalogz Power BI Connector
    Your Power BI governance and discovery platform
    Logan Havern
    Datalogz is a tool for analytics teams to eliminate data disorganization without complicated IT procedures. It gives teams a one-stop-shop to locate and understand data through a unique approach focused on meta-data, common questions, and analytics.
    A modern collaborative data dictionary with NO IT lift