Linda Miles

Linda Miles

Hi, I am a fullstack engineer.
13 points
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Linda Miles
Linda Miles
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Please grill my landing page!!

Hi, a few weeks back I had asked the community to take a look at my landing page and provide me their brutally honest feedback.. and it did!! I got a ton of very constructive feedback, and as painful as it was, went to work. Fast-forward to now, the landing page has been re-designed from ground up. I would like to ask the community to take another look at the site and as let me know the honest...
Linda Miles
Linda Miles
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How we went from 200 to 2000 users in a week! - AMA

Hi, So our journey so far has been rocky at best. We launched back in May 2021, hoping to get a ton of traffic instantly =) Of course, that did not happen! Our current Project Management tools include: Unlimited Video Conferencing / Recording / Live Streaming Unlimited Boards ( Kanban style ) Unlimited Sketch ( aka Whiteboard ) Unlimited Pages ( documentation, newsletters, notes, etc... ) In...
Linda Miles
Linda Miles
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Launched custom domains!!! AMA

We just launched custom domains on! Phew, its been a hard road to getting that say the least! There are a lot of opinions out there on the subject, but only a very few legit technical solutions, and those are pretty vague at best. Another obstacle in the way was the necessity to ditch our existing nginx implementation in favor of a more advanced setup to...
Linda Miles
Linda Miles
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πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ CUSTOM DOMAINS πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Just launched on !!

Now you can manage your projects from your own site πŸš€
Linda Miles
Linda Miles
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From All-In-One Collab to Project Mgmt! AMA

Yes, it is this time of the year where we all try to reflect back on the year past and plan ( hopefully most of us ) what to do in this new year! Well, I am here to share some of the major developments that took place at Cogency ( ) this last month and what we have in store for all our customers in 2022 =) December, 2021 - We had rebuilt our entire system from ground up in...
Linda Miles
Linda Miles
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Makes my daily communication and real-time collaboration a cinch!
Real time video, chat, whiteboard, & task management
Linda Miles
Linda Miles
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πŸ”₯πŸ”₯10 paying customers ACHIEVED!! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

So, it's been a minute since we launched back in May. Our hopes were high and we assumed that once we launch customers will just come rolling in by hundreds. Well, we launched and nothing.. LOL. Soon after we realized that attaining even a single customer is a HUGE task that needs a lot of work. As developers, we tend to think that the project is just a technical part of things.. and we do not...
Linda Miles
Linda Miles
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Scratch my back I scratch yours?!

A proposition 1. You give my product a fair try ( ) 2. Use the FREEMONTH coupon to get first month free 3. Cancel anytime ( costs you nothing! ) 4. Drop me a note with your thoughts/ comments about my product IN RETURN 1. I signup and check out your product/ service and keep on using it if it benefits me and my team 2. You must provide a free trial account/ or a coupon...
Linda Miles
Linda Miles
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Improve productivity with minimal effort!

A picture is worth a thousand words! It means that instead of spending hours writing a long paragraph explaining the issue you can just add a sketch to explain everything easily! See the video :) --Linda Miles
Linda Miles
Linda Miles
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Just launched on AppSumo!

Hey, awesome PH community! This is Linda Miles with Cogency! I am one of the co-founders here at Cogency. Before starting Cogency I had been a full-stack developer at a number of companies and one common problem that I had been facing constantly was real-time team collaboration. I mean, there were tools out there already such as Zoom, Paint,, or Trello but none, put together,...
Linda Miles
Linda Miles
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Awesome product! Love it! Use it everyday!!!
Real time video, chat, whiteboard, & task management
Linda Miles
Linda Miles
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Need to get ten (10) customers this week to make their lives easier to remote work.
Sharath Kuruganty
Define one goal you want to accomplish this week πŸ‘‡
Sharath Kuruganty
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Linda Miles
Linda Miles
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Customer acquisition when broke...

When starting the project eight months ago I did not think that the hardest part of the starting a business would be the customer acquisition. I thought it would be technical challenges, design of the app, testing, etc... imagining that once launched the customers would pour in. Boy was I wrong! So, the app ( ) is launched! Now what? How do you let the world know that you...