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Super affordable tree planting subscription.
Plant trees each month (or year) and earn commission and extra trees planted for every person you for refer.
It's a win for you, win for your mate and win for the planet 🌍

Tree planting affiliate program

Liam Hänel
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Hi everyone! 😇
I'm the creator of Treeferral, I've been working on this side project for a few months now, and I thought it was about time to get it live on Product Hunt. A friend and I originally started this as a little side project during the Berlin lockdown to help people to continue to take climate action while stuck at home (even if it was something as small as planting a tree).

Tree planting affiliate program

A simple Twitter bot that tweets out the global trend levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) thats in our atmosphere each day. The data uses the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) global CO2 trends data.

CO2 Counter
Daily tweets of global CO2 levels in our atmosphere.

Liam Hänel
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Hi everyone! 👋
Thanks for checking this project out. First Twitter bot I've made. It was inspired by the @ year_progress account. But instead for carbon emissions in our atmosphere.
A huge shout to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) where the data is sourced from. The trend and historical data they provide on carbon dioxide levels is incredibly important and invaluable...

CO2 Counter
Daily tweets of global CO2 levels in our atmosphere.

Simply create your company account, add all your team members, and choose the project to offset with. Carbon neutral teams are only the beginning and the first step towards a carbon neutral company.
Become a carbon neutral team within 5 minutes

Watching 1 hour of Netflix is the same as driving a car for 3.3km (2 miles). Plantyflix helps you to plant trees each month while you watch your favourite films and TV shows. It's super affordable, starting at $1 per month to plant a few trees.
Watch Netflix and plant trees

Liam Hänel
left a comment
YESS!! I love this! This is sounds like something we definitely need to get on.
Thanks Nathan and team ❤️ 🙏
A fun online quiz game for teams to get to know each other