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Luis da Silva

Klikkit - the smart button that helps you remember your good habits with a simple click. Plan ahead, click, track, and review.

Forgot to take your medicine? The Klikkit app will remind you in time.

Following a supplement plan? Track your progress with Klikkit.

Make good habits stick with Klikkit + Klikkit app.

Soon available for iOS & Android!

The smart reminder button
Luis da Silva

Cryptocurrency Ticker is a small tool that helps you track the cryptocurrencies you are interested in, by always showing you the 24 hour percent change and current price in the macOS statusbar. It also includes 6 different display options in case you want to track many and have limited space. It supports several currencies including BTC and Satoshi

Cryptocurrency Ticker
Cryptocurrency Ticker
Cryptocurrencies directly on your Mac menu bar.
Luis da Silva

Android - 8.0 Oreo
Android - 8.0 Oreo
Safer, smarter, more powerful & sweeter than ever.
Luis da Silva
Luis da Silva
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Well done! I've been looking forward the official app. πŸ‘
Dribbble for iOS
Dribbble for iOS
Dribbble's official app for iPhone and iPad
Luis da Silva
Save time and hassle on fixing web design bugs
Luis da Silva
Luis da Silva
left a comment
This is actually a really cool idea! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Offline music player for Dropbox