Lauri Post

Lauri Post

Founder of Helumium and BITFINER.
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Lauri Post
Lauri Post
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A different approach to generating type scales
Lauri Post
Lauri Post
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Efficiency is the key! :) Well done.
Timesaving tools for designers, developers and marketers.
Lauri Post
Lauri Post
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Perfect! Would be cool to send the palette straight to Figma :)
Color Palette Generator
Quick and easy CSS color palettes for inspiration
Lauri Post
Lauri Post
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That's a good idea! ?makers
A Product Design Challenge
A Product Design Challenge
Get a design challenge to solve real-world problems
Lauri Post
Helumium eCom Design System is a growth tool for UX/UI designers and eCom businesses who want to increase profits. Over 120 conversion-optimized wireframes for mobile and desktop backed up by 300+ battle-tested UX guidelines. Systemized and ready for action.
Helumium eCom Design System for Figma
Helumium eCom Design System for Figma
Cut time spent on eCom UX/UI design by half, boost profits