Barcus Maler

Barcus Maler

Software Engineer at AI Company
15 points
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Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
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Website link: ProductHunt Link: Email:
Barcus Maler
Built a tool during weekends used everyday by my team for a few months already
Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
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Built a tool during weekends used everyday by my team for a few months already

Hey everyone. I am a developer working with many non developers (Prompt Engineers) to develop a large a amount (50+) of prompts for a single product. Storing, editing, versioning, and branching them used to be a nightmare so I got an idea to build this tool (Prompteams - I built this tool during my spare time during weekends for anyone working with LLM prompts. It's called...
Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
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Would love to get some interesting/niche ones that's free especially
Barcus Maler
Share your top AI products (small + new ones)
Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
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Share your top AI products (small + new ones)

I am going to start with a few I found/have: - Prompteams - Git for AI, AI prompt management, versioning, and testing - What's Wrong Today - Free Health advice for your pets through WhatsApp - Sora AI Wrapper (Coming soon) - - Try Sora AI (Coming soon) -
Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
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I launched without planning? Any tips

I launched my product (Prompteams) an AI tool/management tool to manage and version AI prompts months ago without proper planning, etc as I thought ProductHunt was a simple platform to share your product, and didn't really do any planning or anything. Now, more experienced and more dived in the community, understand that probably could have done more planning. Any...
Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
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Garen Orchyan
Let's connect on Linkedin and X and support each other 🦄🚀
Garen Orchyan
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Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
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yor favourite?
Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
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Ofcourse, DM me. My website is Prompteams - Got a few others as well
Violetta Chernobuk
Would you like to exchange backlinks for your website SEO?
Violetta Chernobuk
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Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
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Where do you sell your domain

Hey everyone, I have 3 great domains around Sora, OpenAI's new Video to Text model and would be great for anyone building a wrapper. Where do you guys sell domains and how is the process?
Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
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How/where do you guys sell your startup?

Share any experiences of selling your startup. Where, how, etc.
Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
started a discussion

Get medical information through WhatsApp - What's Wrong Today

I built a tool to get medical information, and do some small consulting there. Think of it like a better Google for medical information because it has all the context. I am primarily advertising for pets as you can ask anything about your pet, if they're sick, or worried about something, but it works pretty good for humans too. I personally use it everytime I...
Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
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Saw these sites, stay tuned at
Mathis Vella
Open AI just released their text-to-video model: Sora. What are you gonna build with it?
Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
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Give me your ideas/plans on using OpenAI’s Sora

Share us your ideas on what you can achieve from Sora. Keen to have a discussion going
Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
started a discussion

What is a product revolving AI that have not come to reality

Keen to know and discuss some ideas/products you have on top of your mind revolving AI that has not come to reality. Could share some products you need or something that you haven’t been able to build but would be a great idea
Barcus Maler
Barcus Maler
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Prompteams for me. Using it daily
What AI-powered apps do you rely on daily?