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Matthias Spitzer
Bring AI-generated characters in videos to speak. With support for text-to-speech in 90+ languages, delivers your Full HD video back with lip sync in the same quality. Enjoy a flexible pay-as-you-go model and API integration.
Create Lip Sync Videos up to Full HD
Matthias Spitzer
Create lip-sync videos with AI. Try text-to-speech, use our video and audio templates, or upload your own. Optimized for desktop. When the mouth is closed, it improves the lip-sync result. We are working on a fast high lip-sync video resolution.
Lalamu Studio Demo
Lalamu Studio Demo
Create lip-sync videos effortlessly with AI
Matthias Spitzer
Lalamu is a fully automatic AI lip sync app for video content. Use any audio to let speak or sing any face in videos. Lipsync works best when the mouth is either closed or calm. Works also perfectly with dancing people.
Lip sync any face in videos through AI