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    Lakhan Samani
    Lakhan Samani
    left a comment
    Congratulations @makadiaharsh
    No-code chatbot builder for all
    Lakhan Samani
    Authorizer is an open-source authentication and authorization solution for your applications. Bring your database and have complete control over the user information. You can self-host authorizer instances and connect to any SQL database.
    Open source authentication and authorization solution
    Lakhan Samani
    Appbase.io provides a supercharged Elasticsearch experience with a #nocode relevance control plane (or JS UI components or a declarative REST API) and out-of-the-box search/click analytics and insights.
    Build relevant search with NoCode, JS components or REST API
    Lakhan Samani
    ReactiveSearch provides the building blocks for creating search UIs - it reduces the time to go live from weeks to hours.
    ReactiveSearch 3.0
    Free components for building search UIs
    Lakhan Samani

    Dejavu 3.0 is a web UI for ElasticSearch that offers a GUI based data import, browsing with advanced filters and comes with an ability to build a faceted search UI.

    Dejavu 3.0
    The missing web UI for ElasticSearch