Laef 🐢🐱

Laef 🐢🐱

Programmer and co-creator, FindALostPet
130 points
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Laef 🐢🐱
VoteMate is a website that cuts through the politicking and insult-throwing of the Canadian election to concentrate on the policies you care about. It allows you to select the issues you care about, then see the policies from every party on just those issues.
VoteMate Canada 2019
All of the policies you care about; None of the politicking.
Laef 🐢🐱

IPLocate is a powerful IP geolocation API with 1,500 free requests per day. And for those free requests, you don't need an API key, so you can get started with one line of code.

1,500 free IP address lookups per day. One, quick request.
Laef 🐢🐱

Gerrymander is a puzzle game that teaches you how to rig an election. By simply rearranging some electorate boundaries, certain parties can be favoured.

A game that teaches you how to rig the elections
Laef 🐢🐱

Reasonable pro-con discussions on controversial topics
Laef 🐢🐱

Total Solar Eclipse is an app to track the eclipse on August 21, 2017, with live images of the sun.

Total Solar Eclipse
Total Solar Eclipse
Live streams of the total solar eclipse
Laef 🐢🐱
Laef 🐢🐱
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But of course.
Google Allo for Web
Google Allo for Web
Chat on your computer with Allo
Laef 🐢🐱
Laef 🐢🐱
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I gotta say, @ProductHunt looks rad in Night Mode. 😎
Night Mode for Desktop
Night Mode for Desktop
Twitter's Night mode on mobile? Now it's coming to desktop!
Laef 🐢🐱

This I Know is a must-read for anyone running a business or brand, be it small or large, an app, website, nifty product, or even just their personal Twitter.

This I Know
This I Know
Simple marketing lessons every business should know
Laef 🐢🐱
Firefox Voice Fill
Firefox Voice Fill
Voice recognition for search in Firefox