Keanne Dsouza

Keanne Dsouza

I am a UI/UX designer.
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Keanne Dsouza
My website features a curated collection of thought-provoking quotes from some of the most renowned authors, leaders, and thinkers of our time. Whether you're looking for a quote to start your day off on the right foot, or need a little inspiration to help you through a tough time, we've got you covered.
The Good Quote
The Good Quote
A modern quotes website with an innovative twist.
Keanne Dsouza
The SEO Bundle will provide you a clear roadmap, a simpler, easier and smarter way to win the SEO game and get your site high up in Search Engines.
Ultimate DIY SEO Checklist
Ultimate DIY SEO Checklist
A simpler, easier and smarter way to win the SEO game