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Digital response to COVID-19.
Intranet for full digitisation of company culture (tools, automated rewards, intent-led UI, sentiment detection algorithms), enabling: (1) employees to influence their company; (2) HR to get live data & predictive recommendations. (digital versus COVID-19)
Intranet for full digitisation of corporate culture with AI

Denys Grabchak
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A digital response to the COVID-19 crisis. Perfect for both in-house staff and remote teams. is an intranet that enables a full digitisation of corporate culture. Based on deep science from world leading companies & institutions.
Our tools (townhalls with Q&As; internal Reddit; internal Kickstarter) married with an automated rewards system, psychology-based UI and... (digital versus COVID-19)
Intranet for full digitisation of corporate culture with AI

Denys Grabchak
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The idea for this product came to me while on business trip to California (visiting from Ireland). I wanted to meet with investors to research the investment space, as I was planning on leaving my full-time job in order to start my own business. It took me over a week to get connected even though I had a lot of things going for me (alumni network of one of the world's leading institutions,...

Lunch Auction
Raise money for charity by selling an hour of your time

A place to raise money for charity or for yourself by selling an hour of time (as lunch, coffee, consultation or mentorship session).
You can also buy someone's else time. For example, you can buy an hour with an investor in California while traveling there.

Lunch Auction
Raise money for charity by selling an hour of your time