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Want to replace annoying SMS 2FA codes? We verify your users by the way they type 4 words. This improves UX significantly and reduces costs by an order of magnitude. Btw: you can get the solution free of charge for a limited time. Check the website for more.

TypingDNA Verify (2FA)
Replace SMS 2FA codes with better UX, just type 4 words

Kyle Hunt
left a comment
Very cool. Great job!

Productroad 2.0
Build better products based on customers feedback

Kyle Hunt
left a comment
Whoa, this is cool. Nice job!
The task board for organizing projects the way you want

Recognize users by their typing behavior with our low-code API and the free unlimited Developer version. Collect user typing patterns on any platform without friction, submit in one API call, and let us do the rest.
TypingDNA Authentication API
Secure users by their typing behavior with free low-code API