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Follow your favorite stocks and keep track of earnings, dividends, and more.
Stock Events
Follow stocks & keep track of earnings, dividends and more
David Künnen
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Hello everyone 😸✨
I'm very exciting to share this App I've been working on for a year now.
I made this, because I really wanted to see all the important events of my favorite stocks like earnings and dividends in a calendar like view. Other apps usually have that information hidden somewhere on some page for the stock.
After launch in February it gained a lot of traction and I've added a...
Stock Events
Follow stocks & keep track of earnings, dividends and more
David Künnen
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Couldn't help but notice that your website needs >10s to load with a 3.5MB bundle somewhere in between. That's at least for the landing page a no go. ;-)
Distraction-free productivity via virtual coworking
A simple snippet for tracking page views on your website without having to add external libraries. Also works for single page applications made with the likes of react and vue.js.
Minimal Google Analytics Snippet
A simple snippet for tracking page views on your website.
David Künnen
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Hey Hunters! 👋
I created this yesterday afternoon, since I got some time.
🤔 Problem
The problem is, that I have to add the Google Tag Manager and Analytics libraries to my websites, even if I just want to track basic page views.
The GTM and Analytics libraries are not only huge (72kB together), but also add two additional requests to my websites. Sometimes it would even slow my website down...
Minimal Google Analytics Snippet
A simple snippet for tracking page views on your website.
David Künnen
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Very cool product. Great work!
A JavaScript image editor for your website ✂️
David Künnen
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Very cool. I also started an OCR project yesterday.
CTRL+F for real world
David Künnen
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Very cool idea, which helps people like me who create niche job boards to get some exposure. I've submitted 😸
100 Job Boards
Curated list of the best niche job boards