Kristian Lukauskis

Kristian Lukauskis

Innovating E-Com with AI-Driven ChatBots
2 points


I’m an entrepreneur in the E-Com space too, currently completing an executive master’s with Genoa Entrepreneurship School (composed of professionals with experience at Apple, Tesla, Meta, Microsoft, Shopify, etc...) and Georgetown McDonough School of Business. Through this program and guidance from mentors (mostly Y-Combinator founders), I began interviewing e-com store owners and identified a common problem: the lack of human-like, e-com-specific customer support chatbots. This insight led me and a few peers to create ChatBlu. To sum it up, it is a GPT4/GEMINI AI -powered bot for ecom store owners like you, which you can connect to Shopify to be able to recommend products to users based on their preferences, among other features.


Founder & Leadership


Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5

Maker History

  • ChatBlu
    E-Com Specific Customer Support AI ChatBot for Shopify Sales
    Nov 2024
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntAugust 18th, 2024