Peter Kota

Peter Kota

Software Engineer at Kinsta
115 points
All activity
Peter Kota
Connect to GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket, select a branch, and push your static site to our edge cache, placing it closest to your visitors.
Free Static Site Hosting
Fast, secure websites deployed to the edge (260+ locations)
Peter Kota
Speed up your site with Kinsta’s Edge Caching. It makes serving cached content from multiple data centers possible with minimal setup. Unlike similar caching solutions, it’s included for free in Managed WordPress plans and doesn’t require a separate plugin.
Kinsta Edge Caching
Speed up your site for no extra cost, no plugin required
Peter Kota
Easily deploy your apps right from GitHub. We’ll handle everything else. You’ll be free to focus on development, not hosting.
Application Hosting by Kinsta
A developer-focused app PaaS (platform as a service)
Peter Kota
Easily spin up your database and connect it to your app/s. Kinsta-hosted apps can use internal connections which are super fast, secure, and don’t pay for internal traffic.
Database Hosting by Kinsta
A developer-focused database PaaS (platform as a service)
Peter Kota
DevKinsta is a local development suite for WordPress sites available for Windows, Mac, and Ubuntu/Linux. Streamline your dev workflows with DevKinsta's local database and email tools. Easily develop themes, plugins, and custom sites, all on your local machine.
Design, develop, and deploy WordPress sites locally
Peter Kota

Fleet X is a car rental management software. Manage rentals, reservations, services and customers.

Fleet X has a "Smart Reorganiser" feature which resolves reservation conflicts automatically.

Feel free to comment your feedback or question. 🌟

Fleet X
Fleet X
Car rental management software