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I analyzed more than 10 Million Reddit threads to understand what makes people upvote & comment.
The title optimizer allows you to modify your Reddit posts so they attract more attention and bring more traffic & PR to your products & ideas.
Reddit Write
Dominate Reddit by optimizing your titles

Koby Ofek
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We tested it dozens of times, and gave a small group of beta testers to submit stories to Reddit and see how it works.
If you create good content, you get good results.
Thing is you can just bullshit the machine. It's possible to create a sequence of words that will trigger a high score from the app. However, if it doesn't make sense the Reddit people won't bite.
You need to create...
Reddit Write
Dominate Reddit by optimizing your titles

Koby Ofek
left a comment
Hey everybody,
I was a bit frustrated with how certain posts on Reddit fail, even when the content is supposed to bring much more upvotes and discussion. So I decided to dig in a little and build a tool to help.
If you use Reddit to:
- Promote your products
- Market something
- Discuss or promote ideas
- Have good laughs over crazy memes
- Raise your karma because karma means something to...
Reddit Write
Dominate Reddit by optimizing your titles

Windups is a typewriter effect library for React.
It actually makes your text come alive.
It works with just about *anything* you can stuff in React’s children prop, has APIs for controlling pacing, firing off your own effects...
Friendly and easy to use.

Typewriter effect library for React

Koby Ofek
left a comment
I literally bumped into this cool repo on Twitter and it fits a future product I'm planning to release soon like a glove.
Super cool, you should try it out.

Typewriter effect library for React

Koby Ofek
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I like it. How often do you intend to post your newsletter?
Where To Post
Bite-sized marketing opportunities via email

Koby Ofek
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Looks great. Lot's of cool resources. I like the design. Fast & smooth.
UI Design Daily
1073 open-source UI designs, updated daily

Koby Ofek
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Thanks for making this. Can definitely identify with your experiences of launching while looking after the little one! Good luck.
COVID-19 Journal Idea Generator
Explore your experience in the pandemic from a new angle

Koby Ofek
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Pricing link at the bottom doesn't work on desktop. Overlapped by the chatbot icon.
Automate repetitive browser work with no-code RPA

Koby Ofek
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The million dollar homepage had quite a few copycats, none of them made an impact like the first one. This one is actually quite fun. Good luck!

Million Dollar Metropolis
Browse and buy ads in a virtual city 🏙

Koby Ofek
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I guess it makes sense to ask this in this context:
Have you heard about the Big Mac Index?
Nespresso Index
The caffeinated version of the Big Mac Index.

Koby Ofek
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This is kind of niche, but may interest some people in this community. Nespresso Index is the caffeinated parallel of the Big Mac Index.
It is mainly a fun research project-turned-website measuring the relative strength of currencies, and purchasing power parity (PPP), by comparing the local prices of Nespresso capsules across the world.
What can you do with it?
1. Draw interesting...
Nespresso Index
The caffeinated version of the Big Mac Index.

What if global Nespresso capsule prices can tell us about the over or undervaluation of currency and how expensive is a country anyway?
Enter, the Nespresso Index. A fun way for coffee lovers to talk about money, and see where can one score some cheaper Java.
Nespresso Index
The caffeinated version of the Big Mac Index.

Koby Ofek
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Do you have a personal website (your own domain, your design etc.) ?
Discover the web homes of the people who build the internet

Koby Ofek
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It was quite a lengthy process. My main sources of inspiration were awards sites, mainly awwwards, cssdesignawards and FWA, but I also searched quite a lot on Dribbble and Behnace, which are design-oriented websites, design magazines, Twitter accounts of webdesigners and others. I also checked to see if makers on this site have personal websites, and I featured some of them.
My criteria wasn't...
Discover the web homes of the people who build the internet

Koby Ofek
left a comment
Hello humans,
So, I wanted to build myself a personal website.
It's shocking, but some people still do that and I wanted to discover what are the best designs for personal sites today? What technologies and services are people using? Are people coding them from scratch? Is Squarespace and Wordpress so popular as it seems? Is purple the new black in website design?
I needed inspiration and...
Discover the web homes of the people who build the internet

A curated gallery featuring the world's best personal websites. The list consists of projects built with various technologies and services: React, Angular, Vue, WP and even Wix or sites. Find inspiration to build your perfect personal homepage.
Discover the web homes of the people who build the internet

This is an amusing side-derivation of a project to score the plausibility of computer generated association of concepts. The dataset uses computer generated snacks. We built a simple crawler to find interesting snack ingredients, and run our algorithm on them.
This Snack Does Not Exist
Computer generated snacks scored for market plausability