They call me a serial entrepreneur and mentor. Over 20 years ago, I co-founded Gentics, an Enterprise CMS vendor that was acquired. Around the same time, we built Wikidocs, a real-time collaborative editing tool, acquired by Atlassian before hitting the market. More recently, I co-founded and led growth at Usersnap, the #1 user feedback solution for SaaS, acquired by saas.group in 2023. Now, I’m building an AI Micro SaaS incubator, exploring how AI can transform lives. I’m a triathlete 🚴, family father ❤️, and lifelong learning advocate 📚. Investing excites me, but adding personal value to companies is my true passion.

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Gone streaking
Maker History
- UsersnapVisual annotated feedback via screenshots for web projectsSep 2021
Joined Product HuntApril 12th, 2016