Mehran Kader

Mehran Kader

Software Engineer
24 points
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Mehran Kader
Your WhatsApp Business Management Tool for Shared Inbox, Team Collaboration, Broadcast Messaging, eCommerce Integration, Automation & Chatbots.
WhatsApp Commerce by MyAlice
Sell & Support easily from WhatsApp with MyAlice.
Mehran Kader
Are you a Shopify store owner who needs the CX team to work 25 hours a day?
Or trying to clone the customer service team?
- Then check MyAlice and unlock the full potential of your multichannel sales.
MyAlice for Shopify
Multichannel helpdesk, live chat, agent management & chatbot
Mehran Kader
Start conversations with customers and sell in the online store, messaging, and social media channels. With MyAlice, anyone can grow their business, build strong customer relationships, and spend less time on support, all from one single dashboard.
MyAlice for WooCommerce
MyAlice for WooCommerce
Manage conversations and E-commerce from one place