Kirsten Jacks

Kirsten Jacks

product-loving enthusiast
3 points
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Kirsten Jacks
Kirsten Jacks
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What Are the Top Developer Red Flags to Watch Out For When Hiring a Software Development Team

Your experience with your product developers matters, because on it depends the success or failure of your software initiative. Whether you have an internal product team, or a team leased through a software development company (local, offshore, or nearshore), your software product — and often your entire business relies on them to deliver on your vision or resolving your business problems...
Kirsten Jacks
Kirsten Jacks
started a discussion

AI Trends which can create a huge impact in 2023

There is no doubt that AI remains a key trend when it comes to technology and innovations that will fundamentally change how we live, work, and play in the near future. AI is one essential component that promises to completely transform the digital age with high precision and accuracy. These are top 15 AI trends that will create a huge impact in 2023....