Kirill Zubovsky

Kirill Zubovsky

Troublemaker. Founder. Dad
311 points
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Kirill Zubovsky
Smartynames Reverse Domain Name Search helps you find an affordable and available domain, similar to the one you like. It is the fastest way to generate a brand name using only a url of a similar product, startup or service. v1 is now available in public beta.
Smartynames Similar Domain Name Search
Smartynames Similar Domain Name Search
Find affordable domain names similar to the ones you like
Kirill Zubovsky
In my exploration of OpenAI, I just created a domain-name search that takes business description as an input, and generates interesting domain names for it.
Smarty Names
Smarty Names
Domain name search with AI
Kirill Zubovsky
With Silly Cone News, you will stay informed and entertained at the same time! 🤩 All of the content is generated by Artificial Intelligence. You don't have to worry about biased opinions or misleading facts. #fact
Silly Cone News
Silly Cone News
AI Generated #RealFakeNews
Kirill Zubovsky
On Smash Notes you can sample the most interesting bits from podcasts. Every day, you quickly learn something new.
Smash Notes
Smash Notes
Podcast highlights without the fluff