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Rohan Khara
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"David Wild is in studio for a podcast about police inaction during high speed chases, baggage handlers who smuggled marijuana throughout the country, and Adam's greatest tech moment. Plus, Bald Bryan reviews 'Mad Max', and the gang plays an all-new game: Namedropper" - show description

The Adam Carolla Show - David Wild
David Wild on police inaction, drugs smuggling and lots more

The Adam Carolla Show - David Wild
David Wild on police inaction, drugs smuggling and lots more

Rohan Khara
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"Nate Adams, producer of Road Hard and Winning: The Racing Life of Paul Newman, joins Adam for this episode of Take a Knee. Adam starts the show talking about Nate growing up in Montana and being on the wrestling team. Nate talks about the tragedy of losing two of his brothers at a young age, and how the fallout from those events led him into becoming a troubled youth. Then he gets into his...

The Adam Carolla Show - Take a Knee' with Nate Adams
Nate Adams: Producer of Road Hard and Winning

The Adam Carolla Show - Take a Knee' with Nate Adams
Nate Adams: Producer of Road Hard and Winning

Rohan Khara
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"Colin Hanks is in studio for a podcast about the rise and fall of Tower Records, the new Burger King burger that turns your poo green, and watching the house Adam grew up in get torn down. " - show description

The Adam Carolla Show - Colin Hanks
Colin Hanks: Tower Records, the new BK burger and more

The Adam Carolla Show - Colin Hanks
Colin Hanks: Tower Records, the new BK burger and more

Rohan Khara
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"Jake 'The Snake' Roberts is in studio for a podcast about battling addiction, the future of professional wrestling, and how Diamond Dallas Page saved his life. Plus, Matt Atchity returns to host a Tom Hanks themed round of the Rotten Tomatoes Game" - show description

The Adam Carolla Show - Jake 'The Snake' Roberts and Matt Atchity
Jake Roberts on battling addiction, pro wrestling and more

The Adam Carolla Show - Jake 'The Snake' Roberts and Matt Atchity
Jake Roberts on battling addiction, pro wrestling and more

Rohan Khara
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"Eugene Mirman sits down for a podcast about his ambitious new comedy album, the making of Bob's Burgers, and why Russians are so crazy. The guys also talk about Donald Trump hosting SNL, and the unmasking of over 1,000 KKK members." - show description

The Adam Carolla Show - Eugene Mirman
Adam Carolla & Eugene Mirman (Gene on Bob's Burgers)

The Adam Carolla Show - Eugene Mirman
Adam Carolla & Eugene Mirman (Gene on Bob's Burgers)

The Adam Carolla Show - Joel McHale
Joel McHale & future of Community

Rohan Khara
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"Night Vale's Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor chat with Adam about their successful podcast and now novel. Plus, marijuana advocate Steve DeAngelo talks about the future of legal cannabis, and Adam complains about trick or treaters." - show description

The Adam Carolla Show - Night Vale's Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor, plus Steve DeAngelo
Night Vale's Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor

The Adam Carolla Show - Night Vale's Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor, plus Steve DeAngelo
Night Vale's Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor

Rohan Khara
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"On my podcast, The 5 AM Miracle, I talk a lot about early mornings, healthy habits, personal growth, and rockin' productivity. The glue that holds everything together is this simple and powerful concept: dominate your day before breakfast. " - show description

The 5Am Miracle With Jeff Sanders - Mornings 101: How to Dominate Your Day Before Breakfast
The most effective strategies for dominating your day

The 5Am Miracle With Jeff Sanders - Mornings 101: How to Dominate Your Day Before Breakfast
The most effective strategies for dominating your day

The Daily Boost - Simple Productivity: Did I Do It?
Simple Productivity: Did I Do It?

Rohan Khara
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"Ed Cooke is a dear friend and a Grandmaster of Memory. In 2010, he was interviewed by a journalist named Joshua Foer. Under Ed's Yoda-like training, Joshua became the very next American Memory Champion in 2011. It took less than a year for Ed to transform a novice from unknown to world-class.
But how?!?
Aha... This interview explores Ed Cooke's brilliant techniques (many of which I use),...

Tim Ferriss Show - Ed Cooke, Grandmaster of Memory, on Mental Performance, Imagination & Productive Mischief
Ed Cooke is a Grandmaster of Memory and much more!

Rohan Khara
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"Last episode I interviewed Omar Zenhom about how to “Focus To Succeed." Afterwards, several ideas emerged for me that led to the topic "Focus Without Focus." “Focus to Succeed” only works when we are focused on the essential projects that help us move forward. Our focus has to be on target. Moreover, if we take focus as the acronym F.O.C.U.S – Follow One Course Until Success – we should...

Mindset Zone - Focus Without Focus
F.O.C.U.S – Follow One Course Until Success