Farhan Khan

Farhan Khan

Digital Creator, UI Designer, PH Veteran
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Farhan Khan
Farhan Khan
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My job is to make those logos bigger and make the colours pop with the “magic” i posses apparently.
Sunil Khedar
Can you creatively describe your responsibility at work without telling your designation?
Farhan Khan
Sopact uses Impact Cloud®, a cloud-based platform, to implement your organization’s end to end impact measurement and management process.
Bring your data from various sources such as Spreadsheets, Survey Monkey etc. to keep all your impact data in one place.
Impact Cloud
Impact Cloud
Implement your impact measurement & management process.
Farhan Khan
Looking to build your social impact measurement framework?

This is a step-by-step social impact measurement from Groundworks to Impact Reporting. Published in collaboration with Melbourne Business School & Asia Pacific Social Impact Centre
Actionable Impact Management
Actionable Impact Management
An Impact guide from Groundworks to Impact Reporting.
Farhan Khan
Farhan Khan
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Any plans for a Windows release?
Design, prototype and animate in a single Mac app.
Farhan Khan
Impact Cloud® is a theory of change driven platform that allows funders, mission-driven organizations, and sustainable organizations to easily measure and manage their social and environmental impact.
Happy to help anyone who has questions :) Cheers.
Impact Cloud®
Impact Cloud®
Impact Measurement & Management made simple!
Farhan Khan
Create stunning emails that you will actually LOVE!
Farhan Khan
Station-less bike sharing App