Khaled Garbaya

Khaled Garbaya

Building developer and designer tools
29 points
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Khaled Garbaya
Contentful to Figma is a game-changer for designers. It allows you to easily and quickly pull data from your Contentful CMS and use it to generate custom design assets or update design elements within Figma.
Contentful to Figma Plugin
Contentful to Figma Plugin
Effortlessly blend Contentful and Figma into your workflow
Khaled Garbaya
Khaled Garbaya
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This really solves a very big problem in slack
Uses past Slack threads to help answer repeated questions
Khaled Garbaya
This customizable template website for Covid-19 news enables local and international organizations to quickly share announcements, links to resources and local news updates with a customizable website built with Gatsby, Netlify and Contentful.
Stop the spread
Stop the spread
Create a free website for Covid-19 announcements
Khaled Garbaya
Khaled Garbaya
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You should check it out if you are curios about the JAMstack technology
A video training portal dedicated to the Jamstack
Khaled Garbaya
This plugin allows you to pull content From your Contentful space and map it to you Figma design. You specify which Content Type you want to visualize in your design and the plugin will fill in your design with real data.
Contentful to Figma
Contentful to Figma
Enrich your Figma design with real data from Contentful