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Honey is a free personal shopping assistant that helps you save time and money by bringing all your favorite stores and all the best deals together in one easy-to-use app. Join now.

Honey Smart Shopping Assistant
A mobile personal shopping assistant

Ryan Hudson
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Honey is available for Firefox and Safari now too.

Honey automatically applies the best coupon code at checkout

Ryan Hudson
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Cofounder of Honey here. Thanks for hunting it @jtriest.
We built Milk because we spend a lot of money on groceries and it sucks to know that we're leaving money on the table by not using coupons. Happy to answer any questions.

Milk by Honey
Grocery coupons clipped for you automatically

Milk by Honey
Grocery coupons clipped for you automatically

Ryan Hudson
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More info on Digits here:

Digits (from Twitter)
A better way to sign in.

Magnetic Poetry Game from Twitter

Ryan Hudson
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Yes please. We have needed this for a while. Downside: browsing reddit is harder to count as 'doing work'.

Get alerted when your startup/phrase is mentioned on Reddit

Ryan Hudson
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@kam_bain I like the concept of seamless cross-platform content sharing where the sender doesn't have to know the receiver's preferred platform. I can see this concept working for a lot of other types of content too - especially as app deep linking takes hold.

Send songs to friends across various music services

Image recognition API

Ryan Hudson
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Demonstration of the evolving power of CSS. Related link has how he did it.

The Simpsons in CSS
CSS for d'oh!

The Simpsons in CSS
CSS for d'oh!

Ryan Hudson
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@nickrubin Love what you are doing here on many levels and would like to help. There is a lot of power in automatically bringing the right information inline with it's natural usage. I could also see this driving a lot of traffic back to a website for a deeper experience (and socially distributed content).
Your API call issue sounds like a cross site scripting restriction either on their...

Instantly see where any U.S. politician gets their money

Ryan Hudson
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@nikitakorotaev agree on the beacons - they don't really add anything the hover doesn't - which i'd probably generally only want on sites like twitter. Adding beacons to code I'm looking at on github - not so useful :) cc: @Connect6Lead

Get contact info on any site. Rapportive in the browser.

Ryan Hudson
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@Connect6Lead I like what you've done here a lot. Happy to see more people innovating with the hidden gem of dev platforms: browser extensions. Every time I hear mobile devs talk about 'building habit' I just smile - context-specific habit is automatically baked in to every well thought out browser extension.

Get contact info on any site. Rapportive in the browser.

Ryan Hudson
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@rrhoover thanks for sharing.
We get coupons a lot of the same places you would as a consumer. Automating email is certainly something we have discussed. We have some even more interesting things (we think) coming soon...

Honey automatically applies the best coupon code at checkout

Honey is a website and Chrome extension that saves you money by applying discount codes and coupons (almost) automatically at checkout.

Honey automatically applies the best coupon code at checkout