I think of myself as a data-informed generalist and someone who is aware of many things but not particularly good at anything! During my career spanning many dots, I have been an aerospace engineer, a python developer, a product manager for the A380 aircraft, developed derivative algorithms at Goldman Sachs, and led experimentation, feature rollout and product analytics at Revolut before founding Paradime. At Paradime, we are building the ultimate operating system for analytics and bridging the gap between analytics teams and business functions. When I am not working, I am mostly tinkering with code. And I love moving from crisis to crisis and get things done.


Gone streaking

Gone streaking 5
Maker History
- ParadimeThe operating system for analytics
- Paradime SynqJun 2023
- ParadimeDec 2022
Joined Product HuntFebruary 4th, 2021