Kathilien John

Kathilien John

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Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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Kathilien John
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101 of how NOT to launch
Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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Too cold – enjoy cozy winter vibes.
Hassan Sajjad
If you had to choose, would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Hassan Sajjad
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Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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The time I participated in a flash mob.
Ayesha Mughal
What would someone who doesn't know you well be most surprised about?
Ayesha Mughal
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Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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Embrace authenticity, be true to yourself & your values.
Ghost Kitty
What does it mean to "live a good life" in your opinion?
Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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Pet-induced pandemonium, chewed furniture, scattered kibble, and a symphony of barks.
Aryan Kohli
What is the messiest situation you've ever encountered?
Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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Malala Yousafzai
If you could have any person become a member of your family, who would you choose?
aurther bella
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Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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Finding a hidden gem of a bookshop.
Ghost Kitty
What will be your go-to story when you're old?
Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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Nocturne - lullaby of the night, where shadows whisper forgotten dreams
thomas jack
If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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Pricey skincare routine, breakout city instead of flawless glow.
Vincent Delitz
What was your last bad purchase?
Vincent Delitz
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Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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As soon as you have one passionate customer, nurture them and let them build the community.
At what point in your business journey, do you think about building a community?
Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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Simply relaxing at home, savoring the quiet and reflecting on the year ahead.
Felya Bilgen
Got any plans for the first weekend of 2024?
Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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The worst movie I ever seen Keith Lemon ,The Film (2012)
What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
Yolanda C. Schneider
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Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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Astronaut dancing among cosmic dust
Hassan Sajjad
What was your childhood aspirations?
Hassan Sajjad
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Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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Called loved ones, voices like warm embraces.
Hassan Sajjad
First thing you did when you were back from the holidays?
Hassan Sajjad
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Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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Sourbelts. Long-lasting pucker punch.
Hassan Sajjad
What's your favorite candy?
Hassan Sajjad
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Kathilien John
Kathilien John
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What transformations are you planning for the Next year ?
Amy G. Debnam
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