Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛

Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛

Director of CS at BLEND Localization
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Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛
very different 5 to 14
Casper Brix
How many hours spent working every day?
Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛

Are you into any daily learning platforms? Which ones do you swear by?

I recently got addicted to Duolingo. You probably can't learn an entire language that way, but I've definitely picked up some new words. Their gamification is over the top – I just can't stop!
Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛

What is the most universally loved software product?

I recently asked about the least favorite software, and surprisingly, people mentioned Notion, Canva, and some other software that I would generally label as universally loved. It seems I was wrong to assume that, so, what do you think is the one software that everyone loves?
Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛

[Feedback] Which button do you need to press to submit translation project on your own?

Hey everyone, We've changed our design and I wanted to run this by you. Here is our website: https://www.getblend.com/ Your goal as a customer is to submit a translation project on your own. Which button do you think you need to press? How much time did it take you to find it? I would be very grateful for your feedback here
Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛

Have you already tried chat gpt-4oing yourself?

I did :) I have a very common first and last name in my country, but surprisingly, it got everything right on the first try. It summarized my 9 to 5 by reading my corporate blogs and pulled my info from SheCodes and Product Hunt to create a summary. What use cases can you think of for this in a business setting? Or have you been using this for a while, and I'm only now catching on? I used...
Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛
I am in Spain, I have GPT-4o, I pay for premium
Rupal Saini
Are GPT-4o and Meta AI currently accessible in your region?
Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛
I could teach languages (finally put that university degree to use 🙈)
Business Marketing with Nika
Do you have a certain skill that you could monetize? Other than the one you use in your current job.
Business Marketing with Nika
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Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛

Are you a one-book-at-a-time reader, or do you juggle multiple?

Just stumbled upon a term, 'surgical reading', a method where you juggle 12 books at once and I wonder if anyone does the same. I'm a one-book-at-a-time person. One fiction, one non-fiction. Any more, and I am confused. Am I right?