Arun Kumar Kankipati

Arun Kumar Kankipati

Visionary & tech leader shaping business
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Arun Kumar Kankipati
Arun Kumar Kankipati
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Productization; Finishing is the most crucial part of any product, and it definitely gives me nightmares!
Demetre Mildiani
What is the part that gives you most anxiety when working on your product?
Demetre Mildiani
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Arun Kumar Kankipati
Arun Kumar Kankipati
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My smart phone still works! HAHAHA
Austin Armstrong
What are you grateful for today?
Austin Armstrong
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Arun Kumar Kankipati
Arun Kumar Kankipati
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Unfortunately mine is Big Bang Theory :-)
JD Worcester
What’s your guilty pleasure TV show or movie that you’re embarrassed to admit?
Arun Kumar Kankipati
Arun Kumar Kankipati
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Need it, GET IT!
JD Worcester
Share your startup's tagline/slogan? 🚀
Arun Kumar Kankipati
Arun Kumar Kankipati
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Advanced AI Chatbot for Wordpress websites for FREE!

Grab your spot on our waitlist for free AI Chatbot for Wordpress Websites We are about to launch the best Generative AI Chatbot! Wait for the announcement! Meanwhile you can connect with me on LinkedIN on
Arun Kumar Kankipati
Arun Kumar Kankipati
started a discussion

Grab your spot on our waitlist for free AI Chatbot for Wordpress Websites

We are about to launch the best Generative AI Chatbot! Wait for the announcement! Further please register with your email ID on our waitlist for FREE Product Meanwhile you can connect with me on LinkedIN on
Arun Kumar Kankipati
Arun Kumar Kankipati
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Can i get few inputs!
Arun Kumar Kankipati
We are about to launch the most efficient ChatBot for SME's on Wordpress Websites! Any suggestions
Arun Kumar Kankipati
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