  • Remote Jobs available: Work Remotely as a Programmer, Designer, Copywriter, Customer Support Rep, Project Manager and more! Hire remote workers. Remote OK is the biggest remote jobs board on the web to help you find a career where you can work r...
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  • BuzzGuru is an all-in-one influencer marketing platform for brands and agencies to go through all the stages of a campaign planning and executing, getting data and real-time statistics in one place. Plan, manage and analyze campaigns with content creators on YouTube, Instagram, Twitch and TikTok.
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  • With Spectrum, working with colors has never been this easy. Break out of the trial-error loop & instantly see how color palettes come alive on your design. Supercharge your workflow from hours to seconds!
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  • Easily create and customize stunning illustrations with collections made by artists across the globe. Try it, it’s kind of fun.
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  • LINER is Asia’s first AI Agent that helps users accomplish more with less time and effort “AI Workspace”, known as the autonomous agent, performs various and complex tasks requested by users using LLM-based AI, differentiated by LINER’s highlighter database. More than 94% of LINER's users are from outside Korea & more than 100 countries. We are reducing our customer’s research time from hundreds of minutes to tens of seconds every day with our product.
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  • Turn text into custom stickers using one of over 90 fontmoji styles! Write a message with letters made entirely of birthday cake, or party balloons… or fire! … you get the picture. Whether you want to send something wacky, lovey, funny or root for your favorite team, we got the perfect font for you!
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  • Boosting productivity 2-3x with text prediction software. Available as enterprise solution and API for developers. Previously built keyboard app for iOS and Android users.
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  • Upload your video ad and get a free performance prediction - See your ad’s areas of strength and weakness - Compare your ad to benchmarks from your industry - Or just gut-check your ad before going live Trained on hundreds of millions of dollars of ads 📈📈
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    Zappi Ad Predictor
  • A new communication web app for people who speak different languages allowing them to speak their native language with speakers of other languages and understand each other. ⠀ Just 3 easy steps: register, create a meeting and share the link. ⠀ https://yous.ai
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  • Tango makes it easier to get work done by automatically capturing any process and turning it into an interactive walkthrough—complete with screenshots, descriptions, and curated insights. Just turn on the extension, complete your process as usual, and Tango does the rest. Each click auto-generates a step with text and visuals as you go, creating a beautiful, shareable, interactive walkthrough called a Tango. Share your Tango with just a click, anywhere you store and share knowledge.
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  • Website marketing automation for SaaS and Ecommerce that tracks every visitor and combines the most important instruments in one administrator panel
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  • Dino is a new website, mobile app and desktop app to jot down your thoughts and all the stuff that you want to access quickly and easily. Dino is going to have a clear note taking space along with folders for all your documents. Check it out here
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