Kai Pedreno

Kai Pedreno

Building Reggelia, a speech-focused AI
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Kai Pedreno
Reggie is a speech-focused language learning tutor, that helps the user become fluent in a selected language. Reggie does this by speaking with the user about anything and everything with many real-world scenarios to choose from.
Speech focused language tutor with a live translator
Kai Pedreno
Kai Pedreno
started a discussion

We are launching our beta soon any tips?

Hi, my team and I are launching our beta here on product hunt in a couple of weeks or so, any tips or tricks on how to better utilize this platform, or any others for that matter to raise support and boost traffic? Feel free to check out what we are building on our website @https://reggelia.com/ any critiques on our product and website are also welcome. Thanks, Kai