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  • Yassine el Kachchani

    Yassine el Kachchani

    Co-founder & CEO at Gemography
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    Yassine el Kachchani

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    Startup Patterns for Android
    Now on Android. Bite-sized startup lessons 3 times a week.
    Yassine el Kachchani

    Startup Patterns
    Startup Patterns
    Bite-sized startup lessons for busy founders
    Yassine el Kachchani
    Board activity tracking for Trello
    Yassine el Kachchani
    Yassine el Kachchani
    left a comment
    Cash from first phone they sell should be reinvested in the website
    A $13,899+ secure, luxury phone for those that can
    Yassine el Kachchani
    Founders Test
    Founders Test
    Calculate your level of startupness
    Yassine el Kachchani
    Yassine el Kachchani
    left a comment
    Definitely solving a pain, just not sure it's a 10 bucks a month pain...
    A better way to install apps on your website
    Yassine el Kachchani

    Hidden Founders is a group of developers, product hackers, and startup enthusiasts, who build your Tech Product on a bootstrap-friendly payment plan.

    Hidden Founders
    Hidden Founders
    CTO as a service