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Jon Wood
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I'm curious how this compares to f.lux

Screen Tint
Reduce the brightness of your Mac’s screen

Jon Wood
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I'd have to give this book another shot. I know it's been highly recommended, but after 50 pages or so I couldn't quite get into it.

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!
Biography of the renown physicist Richard Feynman

Jon Wood
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Of course, the issue with apps like these, with me being from an area like South Carolina, is that it's hard to get good use out of it since there's really no one getting in to these things early on until it really, REALLY catches on. Love the idea, though! Maybe I should just move. :p

Meet people you should be friends with.

Jon Wood
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Just purchased. This definitely looks like something that can up my presentation game and help with confidence to sign up for more! Thanks for making this!

Present! A Techie's Guide to Public Speaking
All the steps you need to go from a topic idea to a talk.

My Fight/Your Fight
Motivational autobiography of Ronda Rousey.

Jon Wood
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I must have missed this and gotten Steven Pressfield's latest, Do The Work, instead! I'm guessing it's part of this "series".

Turning Pro
Redefine what it means to be a professional

Masters of Doom
How two guys created an empire and transformed pop culture.

Jon Wood
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Wow, I really wish we had something like this during the SC flooding the other week. It took so long to look up water advisories and all that.
Hyper-local alerts targeted by NYC neighborhood