Jules Maregiano

Jules Maregiano

Marketing @Phantombuster
195 points
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Jules Maregiano
Jules Maregiano
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My sister works in interior design and wall painting, and this could change the way she works.
Create awesome real estate design in a few seconds with AI
Jules Maregiano
Jules Maregiano
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Lol can't wait to use that
Get your stuff back from your ex, or whoever
Jules Maregiano
Jules Maregiano
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Extremely cool!! Turns your average looking website in something unique!!
Create 3D interactive web content, no coding skills needed
Jules Maregiano
Jules Maregiano
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What cool features would you like to see on Product Wars?
Product Wars
A real-time war room for your product launch
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Jules Maregiano
Follow your Product Hunt Launch in Real-Time!
See which of your PR actions are working, how your competitors are doing and if your momentum is good.
Display it on a big screen, and experience the real war-room thrill of a Product Hunt launch.
Product Wars
A real-time war room for your product launch
Jules Maregiano

We mix data-scraping and social media automation to build growth-hackers favorite tool. Our shop contains more than 60 actions (and new ones every week!).

Our goal: Let creative, non-technical people easily setup automatic and efficient growth strategies.

A marketplace of simple to use no-code APIs