Juan Jesús Millo

Juan Jesús Millo

Design Curator @uxdatabase
258 points
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Juan Jesús Millo
Juan Jesús Millo
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Best way to get paid subscribers for a newsletter?

Hello! I have a product design newsletter (https://www.uxdatabase.io/newsletter) and was thinking about paying some for some paid traffic, but the question that arises me is Based on your previous experience, which source worked for you? Twitter? Google Ads? Facebook? Other newsletters? Websites? Any recommendation? Thanks!
Juan Jesús Millo
Learn Product Design for free. I have created a learning path so that even if you have no experience, you can learn on your own, studying all the proposed resources to get into your dream job with more than 750 learning resources from reputable authors.
UX Database
The largest free self taught product design course
Juan Jesús Millo
Juan Jesús Millo
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Hello! What happened with the page :O!
Free unlimited cloud storage service using the Telegram API
Juan Jesús Millo
Juan Jesús Millo
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Best day for Publishing Upcoming Product (Ship)

Hello! Is there any day of the week better than other for publishing your upcoming page? I know that the old Product Hunt UI had this Upcoming Section in the upper part of the homepage, but now it's inside the "Products Menu Tab > Upcoming products", and I think this can hurt the discoverability of upcoming products. Best regards and happy holidays!
Juan Jesús Millo
Juan Jesús Millo
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Awesome product!!!! Really love how it's done <3!
Research Bookmark
Research Bookmark
A digital archive for User Research knowledge.
Juan Jesús Millo
Juan Jesús Millo
started a discussion

How much will you charge for sponsor a product getting aprox. 100 clicks/month

Hello! I am thinking about sponsoring some products for a fee in my website about digital product design. As you can see there is two sources: Home: https://www.uxdatabase.io/ Product Database: https://www.uxdatabase.io/product-database I get 200 visits/day and about 80-100 clicks each month. Should I wait to get higher traffic or can I charge to the product owners? Thanks!