Juan Cartagena

Juan Cartagena

Cofounder CEO Rosita Longevity
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Juan Cartagena
Life expectancy in Western Countries is 85, but healthy life expectancy is only 65:( We help 60+ loved ones extend healthspan by preventing chronic diseases that cause pain & frailty, a silent epidemic affecting 49% of seniors and leading future dependency
Rosita Longevity
The virtual coach that helps your parents extend their reign
Juan Cartagena
Juan Cartagena
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Juan Cartagena

Trustbond is a surety bond that replaces the rental deposit, unlocking your money for the things that matter to you. Trustbond uses reputation like Airbnb reviews instead of credit scores enabling more people's access. We partnered with the largest Australian insurer to give confidence to landlords. Available in Australia first.

Eliminating rental deposits. Enabling access to homes.
Juan Cartagena
Chatbot insurance for the sharing economy.