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How do you craft an interview process that accurately assesses a candidate's skill level while ensuring you're not eliminating qualified candidates? Take this 5 minute quiz and get actionable recommendations to improve your technical interview.

Take a 5 minute quiz and fix your tech interview

Jess Solka
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What was the worst interview you've ever had? What made it bad?

Take a 5 minute quiz and fix your tech interview

Jess Solka
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What was the best interview you've ever had? What made it great?

Take a 5 minute quiz and fix your tech interview

Jess Solka
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Hey folks 👋
I made Not The Pipeline because there is a common misconception that the lack diversity in tech is due to a "pipeline problem." In other words, many people believe that certain groups are underrepresented in tech because there just aren't that many qualified candidates.
The truth is, it's not the pipeline. If your company is struggling to hire underrepresented people in tech, it's...

Take a 5 minute quiz and fix your tech interview

Jess Solka
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Ha, this is super cool! I literally just finished a similar thing for recipe sites. We should compare notes :D

Text Fish
Skip Paywalls, Read Peacefully

Jess Solka
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This is so awesome!! I LOVE it
Big Heads
Easily generate characters for your projects

Jess Solka
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This is cool but I wanted to point out that every candidate used in an example screenshot is a white man. Just something I think companies, especially companies related to recruiting, need to be cognizant about.

Source the best engineers, without understanding code.

MatchPact is a crowd-sourced aggregation platform for tweets from people and companies who are offering to match donations.

Crowdsourced aggregator of offers to match donations

Jess Solka
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I built this over the past couple of days because I was feeling powerless about how to help the Black community in addition to donating. I want to get the word out because the more people who see it, the more people will get their donation match goals hit.
MatchPact is open source. Check it out on Github too:

Crowdsourced aggregator of offers to match donations

Jess Solka
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This looks awesome! I have been looking for something like this. I will for sure check it out!

Push out beautiful website announcements in React 📣

tinythoughts is a one sentence a day journal. Every day, write 280 characters about your life. tinythoughts features include encryption, daily prompts, tagging and filtering, mood analysis, configurable daily reminders, and more!

tinythoughts for Mobile
Minimalist sentence-a-day journaling app with daily prompts

Jess Solka
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Hello everybody!
I am Jess, maker of tinythoughts. I created tinythoughts, the web app, a year and a half ago, because I liked the idea of journaling but wanted a way to make it easier for myself and others. Most of the features of tinythoughts (low character count, prompts, notifications) were borne of the desire to make journaling more accessible.
I am excited to announce that tinythoughts...

tinythoughts for Mobile
Minimalist sentence-a-day journaling app with daily prompts

Jess Solka
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Anybody using the Creative Kit for web? I'm excited about adding it to my site but I can't seem to get the sticker part working
Have any questions? The Snap team are to help 👻
Aaron O'Leary
Join the discussion

Jess Solka
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Ok everybody, by popular demand, I've increased the character count from 140 to 280 🎉

Because keeping a journal is hard

tinythoughts is a one sentence a day journal. Every day, write 240 characters about your life.
* Encrypted
* Tagging and filtering
* Sentiment analysis
* Opt into daily reminders
* 366 unique prompts
* Export
* Photo attachments

Because keeping a journal is hard