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    jQrgen ⛛
    To thoroughly explore the Nexa blockchain’s token landscape, the recently updated Nexa Coin and Token Explorer offer a detailed overview, capturing the dynamism and variety of digital assets on this UTXO Layer-1 blockchain.
    Nexa blockchain coin and token Explorer
    Nexa blockchain coin and token Explorer
    Browse Nexa blockchain coin and token/asset/NTF transactions
    jQrgen ⛛
    The most scalable decentralized blockchain ever built on UTXO Layer-1. Nexa has been benchmarked to handle 10,000 transactions per second (tps) in a home environment. Features include PoW, smart contracts, native tokens, and instant transactions.
    Nexa Full Node, coins, tokens and NFTs
    Nexa Full Node, coins, tokens and NFTs
    A digital economy with capacity for all. Smart contracts
    jQrgen ⛛
    Wally Nexa Wallet can send and receive $NEX coins, tokens and NFTS. Wally's dense design focuses on accessing the innovative cryptocurrency features. Wally is the Nexa blockchain Swiss army knife for developers and exchange maintainers.
    Wally Nexa Wallet
    Wally Nexa Wallet
    Open source light Wallet for Nexa. Support coins and NFTs