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Ever wondered how to say someone's name? Wonder no longer! With our new AI Name Search (in Beta), search for a new person, colleague or contact's name and learn how to say it! You can even practice it a few times before meeting them.
SayMyName AI Search
Say goodbye to the awkward hello
João Vitor Martins
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If you have a newsletter you’re probably wondering what you can use to do better, perhaps get more revenue by exploring all low-hanging fruits, engage your audience with better content and design your email from the best and most beautiful templates. Newsletter Hub FYI is there for you to provide the curated collection of the best tools regardless of what’s your key pain point you face when...
Newsletter Hub FYI
The best tools to write, grow and monetize your newsletter
Newsletter Hub FYI is a curated collection of 80+ tools in 13 categories to help you write, design, grow and monetise a newsletter. We suggest you free and paid tools to explore and level up your newsletter in under 30 minutes.
Newsletter Hub FYI
The best tools to write, grow and monetize your newsletter
João Vitor Martins
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How do you stay up-to-date with technology and software development?
Keeping pace with the AI and technology changes has been hard lately. Between OpenAI's Sora, Google's Gemini, and countless others, it’s difficult to stay informed without getting overwhelmed.
That's why we created TechTok! It's summarised, meticulously curated and designed with familiar UI to bring you the latest in tech...
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With TechTok you can get an overview in under 5 minutes from the trending repos on GitHub, Hacker News, engineering blogs from leading tech companies, Reddit, and more.
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Your tech daily digest: simplified, summarized, fast
Our names hold our identity, heritage and culture. Saying them right is a simple act of inclusion and kindness.
Share how your name is pronounced with SayMyName Cards - a free tool where you can record your name to share.
SayMyName Cards
Names matter, let's say them right
Say My Name allows fans and commentators to listen to the native pronunciation of the players’ names and users can practise their pronunciation, whilst receiving an indication of how good (or poor) their result is. All players from the 2022 World Cup ⚽️.
SAY MY NAME: Footballers
It's time to stop butchering footballers names ⚽️ World Cup
Say my name is a tool to help you pronounce someone's name correctly. It uses AI Technology to come up with a score from 0% to 100% on how well you've pronounced a name. Helps you practice a name of a colleague or friend and make sure they belong!
Say My Name
Make the effort to pronounce someone's name right
After 4 months of lockdown, pubs in London re-opened their outside areas on 12th April.
When looking to reconnect with friends and family from across the Capital, meeting halfway is the fairest and simplest option.
Find that halfway PINT in London!
Halfway Pint
Find a halfway pint to re-connect with your friend in London
João Vitor Martins
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I've created this product to solve a common problem I've spotted with my friends in London.
Halfway Pint
Find a halfway pint to re-connect with your friend in London