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Josh Bickett
Self-driving mode for your browser. Meet your new sidekick for web browsing, research, automation, and more. Personal Assistant by HyperWrite can do anything a human can do online — kick back and let the agent work its magic, hands-free.
Personal Assistant by HyperWrite
Personal Assistant by HyperWrite
The first AI agent that can operate your browser
Josh Bickett
This is a game where you step into the shoes of a detective in the Wild West, determined to solve a captivating mystery. Engage in conversations with AI chatbots that hold clues to the mystery and uncover character backstories along the way
A game where you play detective and solve a mystery
Josh Bickett
A simple game where you find an AI-generated image out of a list of real images. See if you can get a score above 10!
WhichIsAI (The Game)
WhichIsAI (The Game)
Find the AI-generated image out of a list of real images
Josh Bickett
Josh Bickett
left a comment
I really like this idea!
Kosy 2.0
A virtual space where remote teams work better together
Josh Bickett
Josh Bickett
left a comment
Looks really cool, great job!
Listener for Zoom
Highlight, transcribe & create short video clips from Zoom
Josh Bickett
With your text as an input, the AI system will select a relevant meme and overlay your text with hopes to give you and others a quick laugh. We hope you and your friends enjoy creating memes.
Make a meme in under 5 seconds by providing a description
Josh Bickett
Gait allows you to receive a Driver Score based on how safely you drive your car. The factors of the score are viewable so that you can understand and improve the score overtime. There are three factors: over acceleration, hard braking, and speeding.
Gait: A Driver Score App
Gait: A Driver Score App
Drive, Improve, and Save on Car Insurance