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Joe Rosen
Create infinite re-recordings from any existing video.
Communicate with short videos, e.g. share a clip in a tweet or make an Instagram post.
Without any specialized editing skills easily select only the parts of a video that best express your point-of-view.
Share your POV with any video
Joe Rosen
Joe Rosen
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Just testing, please remove, thank you.
Just testing 123
Just testing 123
Just testing, please remove this post.
Joe Rosen
Joe Rosen
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This is a test comment
Just testing 123
Just testing 123
Just testing, please remove this post.
Joe Rosen
This is just a test, please remove this post.
Just testing 123
Just testing 123
Just testing, please remove this post.
Joe Rosen
Joe Rosen
left a comment
Very cool; go ITPers!
Build your own Snapchat filters with code
Joe Rosen
Joe Rosen
left a comment
PS Why the name "Desss"? What (if anything) does the app name mean?
Send doodles to your friends on your iPhone