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  • Jorn Rigter

    Jorn Rigter

    Co-founder & CTO Unpluq
    20 points
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    Jorn Rigter
    Jorn Rigter
    left a comment
    Wow that's a pretty awesome idea! Might hit up my friends from back home 🤩
    World Cup's Watch Party
    Share special moments with your teammates during WC games
    Jorn Rigter
    Jorn Rigter
    left a comment
    Congrats on the launch guys!
    Personalized videos for an enhanced customer journey
    Jorn Rigter
    Unpluq helps you to regain control over your smartphone usage, so you can focus on the meaningful things in life.
    With the physical key, you have to make a conscious decision to access distracting apps.
    Less distraction. More life.
    A physical tool to stop distractions