Jorge Peña 🖥️

Jorge Peña 🖥️

Rediscovering enjoyment trough design
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Jorge Peña 🖥️
Jorge Peña 🖥️
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3 and 4. 3 is when they finally get in touch… 4 months later
Anahit Amirakyan
How does it make you feel when you submit a form and never get a reply?
Anahit Amirakyan
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Jorge Peña 🖥️
Jorge Peña 🖥️
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You go-to tools for design inspiration/reference?

Hello hunters. When you’re working on your projects what are the tools you consistently use for inspiration or reference for your UI design? I use dribbble, awwwards, Pinterest and a lot. But I’m sure there are better options out there that I really want to know.
Jorge Peña 🖥️
Jorge Peña 🖥️
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Learn to play the piano. It's the only thing I consistently fail to find time to do.
Ernest Wolfe
If you could extend your weekend by one day, how would you spend it?
Jorge Peña 🖥️
Jorge Peña 🖥️
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I really obsess over typography. I find it super satisfying to get the kerning just right for example haha
Shravan Chitharanjan
[DESIGNERS] What's one thing that's super satisfying about your work?
Shravan Chitharanjan
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Jorge Peña 🖥️
Jorge Peña 🖥️
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Fellow designers, what kind of tool do you use for client information intake or requests?

Hello guys and gals. I’m curious on this topic cause asking in my immediate circle I’ve gather information ranging from using Google Docs in a spreadsheet and asking the client to put his information in the corresponding cell to using a more elaborate process in a mix between Microsoft Forms connected to Microsoft Teams and Planner. Is there a tool you particularly use for client intake and...