Creative Director for π° Nice Slice Studio Learn how to launch your startup products/features (for FREE): https://tapthe.link/all-access Jordan is a video virtuoso who lives and breathes startup launch strategies. With a wave of his camera and a sprinkle of editing magic, he conjures up videos that have generated over $30 million in revenue and attracted more than 100,000 users for his clients. When he's not casting spells on viewers for brands like SamCart, Ship30, Nestle, Toyota, and LSU, you can find Jordan sharing his secrets with aspiring video wizards through his online course at Million Dollar Edit. No one has ever accused Jordan of being a one-trick pony in the startup world.
Maker History
- The 5-Day Video SprintCreate 5 videos in 5 days (using just your smartphone.)Aug 2023
Joined Product HuntApril 8th, 2020