Jonathan Z. White

Jonathan Z. White

Designer and Javascript engineer
243 points
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Jonathan Z. White
AllOrNothing is a way to donate to causes you care about. The twist is we turn donating into a competition. Each donation tournament has two sides. The side that receives the most donations receives ALL the donations. Winner takes all stakes 🔥
All or Nothing
Competitive donations for causes you care about.
Jonathan Z. White
Twitter Promote Mode
Twitter Promote Mode
Auto-amplify your business and Tweets with a subscription
Jonathan Z. White

A daily mock email that spoofs a rejection from YC

YC Rejection Conditioner
YC Rejection Conditioner
Rejection conditioner for YC applications
Jonathan Z. White
Practice UX and whiteboarding interviews for designers
Jonathan Z. White
YC Careers
YC Careers
Browse the career pages of Y Combinator companies
Jonathan Z. White
Jonathan Z. White
left a comment
Great insight. Thanks for sharing @albn and @guillermosainz 🔥
Sketchfab VR trends
Sketchfab VR trends
A comprehensive overview on the state of VR
Jonathan Z. White
Hand curated WebVR experiences