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DJ Johnson
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I am not sure if the video had sound or not. But I am half way through and bored. You could have started it when he walked in to see the place destroyed, we can all assume what happened, then he pulls out the card. Boom, commercial.
Hybrid credit/debit card with 3% cash back

DJ Johnson
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Touch Bar Nyancat
Nyancat on your MacBook Pro's Touch Bar #innovation

DJ Johnson
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I love the premise of this
- I do not see why we need to use the webcam though, microphone makes sense but seeing the other person does not seem NEEDED.
- Have a way to draw out ideas would be cool
- I tried this a couple times and both times I never heard a peep from my partner, and they simply left. Was very strange.

Pair programming game for developers 🚀

DJ Johnson
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This seems like a very cool idea, I have always been really into technology that could build upon itself. The pricing is really high though. $259 retail? and you only get ONE cell....... what?? It does not say how much a cell is either, a lot of these examples use quite a few cells. Depending on the pricing, that can get super expensive super fast.
Hundreds of modular robots in one

DJ Johnson
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Looked cool, downloaded it.
It wants access to my contacts, it wants to make calls , it wants to record video..... I denied all of those and the game never started.... Sketchy.

Cosmic Challange
The most challenging multiplayer space race competition awai

DJ Johnson
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I like the idea, but how often do people jump on chrome first thing in the morning before heading out to leave? This seems like it would be more useful for mobile?
Dress By Weather
Always know what to wear before you leave the house

DJ Johnson
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The Next Reality Age is upon us! With things like the Meta Space Glasses, and Microsoft's Hololens, and hopefully the Magic Leap, turning still images into videos will happen all around us.
It seems a bit far fetched that there will need to be a special printer just to make an image into a video.
It would make more sense to patent the software aspect and really take off with that by working...
Now you can print videos (Harry Potter style)

DJ Johnson
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Is it possible to plug multiple input devices (cable box, chromecast, ps4 etc) into this and switch between them from the app (or hopefully some kind of api call)?
If so this could also fall in the lines of home automation if looked at as a way to make switching between devices easier.
Either way I like the whole George Orwell theme you have, a big brother system for kids may not be a bad idea.

Seamlessly manage the electronic devices your family uses

DJ Johnson
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Any chance for a REST API?

Next-gen controller for a smoother computing experience